National Wildfire Community Preparedness Day: At Home
It’s time to prepare for Wildfire Season!
May 1st is Wildfire Community Preparedness Day: A national campaign that encourages people and organizations everywhere to come together on a single day to take action to raise awareness and reduce wildfire risks.
Given that in-person gatherings are limited, this year’s Preparedness Day is focused on what residents can do on and around their home to help protect against the threat of wildfires.
Join us in preparing for wildfire season by helping to protect your home this Saturday!
Prep Day projects are focused on how to prevent your home from igniting when a wildfire happens.
It is very easy to take part in the National Wildfire Community Preparedness Day. Choose an outdoor project that needs to be done around your home.
Projects can include racking and removing old pine needles from the yard; clearing leaves; picking up trash that has blown in; raking under the deck or porch and pruning trees.
For more information, tools and tips, visit: or
Enter to win a garden package by posting your photos! Winner will be drawn at random! Take a picture before the work and then a picture after and post it in the Facebook event page: or on your social media pages with the hashtags #invermerefiresmart and #WildfirePrepDay so that we can take part in your project as well.
Be sure to share your photos and videos with your friends, family, and other community members and encourage them to take part in protecting their homes from the treat of wildfire.