NOTICE OF INTENT Development Variance Permit 22.01 656 Taynton Bay Drive, Invermere

 In Home, Notices of Intent

 NOTICE OF INTENT Development Variance Permit 22.01 

656 Taynton Bay Drive, Invermere. 

Lot 2, District Lot 216 & 1007, Kootenay District Plan EPP45632 

PID: 029-496-306 (Subject Property) 


 Notice is hereby given to property owners within 50 metres of the subject property indicated above. Property owners are required to provide all tenants, leaseholders, and occupants with a copy of this notice. 

The District of Invermere is considering a Development Variance Permit application by the owners of the subject property to: 


 1. Vary Section 5.9(3)(d) of Zoning Bylaw 1145, 2002, minimum principal structure setbacks within the R-3 Cluster Development Zone, to the R-1 Single Family Residential principal structure minimum setbacks, Section 5.3(3)(d) of Zoning Bylaw 1145, 2002 as summarized in Table 1: 

 Principle Buildings and structures from: 

From: R-3 Setbacks 

To: R-1 Setbacks 

Front Parcel Line 

3.0m minimum – 4.5 m maximum 

4.5m minimum 

Rear Parcel Line 

7.5m minimum 

6.0m minimum 

Internal Parcel Line 

1.2m minimum 

1.5m minimum 

 To accommodate the construction of a single-family residence on the parcel illustrated below. 

Council will consider the Development Variance Permit at its regular meeting of Council on April 12, 2022. If you believe that this permit affects your interest in the property, you may fax written comments to (250) 342-2934, email to or drop them off at the District of Invermere Office, by Monday April 11 at 12:00 noon MDT. 

You may inspect the proposed Development Permit DVP 22.01 at the District of Invermere web site 

To obtain more information, please contact Rory Hromadnik, Director of Development Services at (250) 342 9281, ext. 1235 or 

DATED this 18th day of March, 2022. 

Rory Hromadnik,
Development Services 

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