Online Question and Answer Sessions
DOI/SIB Joint Active Transportation Plan
District of Invermere Hosted Webinar – Joint ATN Plan
Online Question and Answer Sessions
(Thursday December 3rd, 2020– 3pm and 6pm)
Question: Is this river crossing planning tied into the Greenways Westside Legacy trail extension to Radium?
Answer: The District of Invermere is working with the Shuswap Indian Band to identify specific route but the idea is that it will provide a connection to the regional trail network.
Question: How will this connect to the existing path on Althalmer Road?
Answer: It will continue and connect under the bridge and connect to Dragonfly Boardwalk and 3rd Avenue.
Question: Does the proposed network plan include facilities on 7th Avenue?
Answer: It will connect to existing facilities in that area, up to 15th Street, then shift to 6th Avenue. The approach is working to enhance cycling facilities in the downtown area. (See proposed network map)
Question: Have you looked at RDEK’s Regional Plan and the Columbia Greenways Trails Vision?
Answer: Yes, these have been incorporated into the draft plan and the proposed network.
Question: Can you please add skateboards, one wheels, and inline skaters to the definition of active transportation?
Answer: Yes, these are considered types of active transportation.
Question: Does anyone know the width of the bridge sidewalk now with the new concrete barrier installed? Is it narrower than before?
Answer: No, we do not know the exact width currently. The existing bridge is maintained by the BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure not by the District of Invermere. It is an important component of the District’s transportation network. Council has worked with the Ministry to have a barrier added to increase safety, though this reduced the width of the sidewalk by about 4 inches. The Ministry is currently working to removing the barriers which are attached on the inside of the bridge towards the sidewalk and will be putting the barrier along the outside widening the sidewalk space slightly.
Question: Seems like the survey responses were low, how was that shared?
Answer: The survey was promoted on Facebook and the District’s Website. Stakeholders and groups were also notified about the survey and it was advertised in the Pioneer.
Question: Would electric golf carts be able to use the trails? Some communities in the southern States and even Chase, BC allow people to rely on golf carts, which are cheaper and slower than cars.
Answer: Golf carts are not usually allowed as part of trail systems; they do not mix well with pedestrians and bikes. We do include motorized chairs and scooters as part of the design criteria for pathway width and the pathways will be designed with grades and specifications to accommodate the accessibility needs of users.
Question: Are there any particular nodes that the trails are based around?
Answer: We have framed the network around key destinations including downtown/commercial area, schools and parks, hospitals, and employment areas. This includes key community destinations like the beach and pothole park (Farmers Market). The Plan is trying to ensure there are active transportation connections to these key destinations as well as transportation networks (transit), and places people want to go to within the community and beyond (Radium, Old Coach Trail).
Question: If Shuswap Indian Band’s survey participation in the survey was so low, will you be engaging them further.
Answer: Yes, they have had two online community meetings, and we are considering a third. Further development of this project would involve additional engagement opportunities for both communities.
Question: This is a great opportunity to connect to the wetlands and Radium if the priority of the plan is to provide bridge access over the Columbia River. Since there is an existing walking route over the Columbia, should we look at more connective routes with a bridge over the CPR tracks at James Chabrol Park, and over the Toby Creek to connect with existing trails to Lake Lillian, and Panorama?
Answer: These are great thoughts and exactly the kind we are looking for in this process. We have looked to incorporate connection opportunities with regional partners on the network map. To answer your question:
- West Connections: Our proposed network map includes two connections to the West. This includes towards Lake Lillian on Panorama Drive, as well as towards the Panorama area along Pine Ridge Mountain Run which is in alignment with the Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) plan. Both options allow for connection opportunities also identified in the Columbia Valley Greenways Trail Associations Plan for hiking and biking loops along Toby Creek and future connections to Panorama.
- East Connections: Our proposed network map includes the potential bridge connection north of Athalmer Road to connect across the Columbia River with Eagle Ranch Trail. This location was identified by both the District of Invermere in partnership with the Shuswap Indian Band. While the Columbia Valley Greenways Trail Association Plans identify desired connections between Downtown Invermere/Windermere and Mount Swansea, the plans note that private landowners to the south may inhibit the opportunity for development of these connections. It is possible that in the future these south-east connections can connect with the established pathways along Athalmer Road.
Question: Is there any thoughts around having pedestrian only areas in downtown Invermere? The best way to encourage active transportation…. get people out of cars. It has shown to be good for business. Perhaps other communities like Banff can do a presentation?
Answer: We have discussed this with the business community downtown, and there are concerns around maintaining vehicle access and parking. However, building off opportunities like the farmers’ market may provide an opportunity to try this out. One of the actions in the Active Transportation plan update identifies that encouraging more opportunities like this, potentially over a weekend or specific community event.
Question: Connecting from Invermere to Athalmer is key to this plan to connect with the Shuswap lands. Is that connection over the Athalmer bridge?
Answer: The connection on Laurier will be maintained. Unfortunately crossing railway tracks are difficult and pose more risk, so we must manage that. This may be possible in the future. We would like to connect with our diking system on the edge of the wetlands and connect in with the bridge. The existing crossing on Laurier is the key connection from uptown commerce to the commerce area in James Chabot.