Mayors Message: Victoria Day, 2020
The Victoria Day long weekend is almost here. We know that this weekend will be different than our past long weekends and we will see long weekend travellers in town. I am asking all to be kind, be respectful and to use your best judgement this weekend and as we continue throughout the next couple of weeks. The District of Invermere continues to be vigilant with supporting and following the provincial recommendations to avoid non-essential travel; however, the prominent message we want to convey is to be kind and to use your best judgement. We have seen some unkind messaging and behaviour. We will get through this together and we will do that by being kind and respectful of each other. Please help support the message of kindness by doing your part with understanding and having compassion for others.
Yesterday, we also announced at the Committee of the Whole and Council meeting that some restrictions in town will be lifted. As of this Friday May 15th, we will be opening our public washrooms facilities, green spaces, pickleball and tennis courts. We acknowledge that it is important to provide safe spaces for people to get out for some exercise and fresh air. These initial openings, which will be continually assessed do not include playgrounds, outdoor exercise equipment, picnic shelters, the Rotary Spray Park and the Skateboard Park. These park amenities will remain closed due to high touch points and an inability to keep enough distance between individuals. Our boat launch and Kinsmen Beach are currently open. It is important to remember as certain restrictions begin to ease, that we to continue to follow health and safety protocols such as practicing physical distancing of at least two meters from others and frequent hand washing. If we continue to act responsibly as a community, we will be able to continue to move forward.
More of our local businesses are also starting to open. Many of our local businesses have done a great job enforcing safety measures, limiting the amount of customers that can enter at a time, creating distancing inside the store or by having Plexiglas in place. Some have decided to remain closed. Other businesses are currently working on their reopening measures. Let us continue to do what you can to support them in anyway that we can.
Thank you to the Chief of staff of our Medical departments, all other health care workers and all front-line workers. Thank you for all your efforts to keep everyone safe and well.
We must continue as a community to work together and to keep doing our part to stay safe. Please to be kind and be respectful to one another.
Have a great weekend everyone!