NOTICE OF INTENT: Development Variance Permit 24.04 2111 – 13th Avenue

 In Home, Notices of Intent

Lot 5, District Lot 1092, Kootenay District Plan NEP4245
PID 014-880-512 (Subject Property)


Notice is hereby given to property owners within 50 metres of the subject property indicated above. Property owners are required to provide all tenants, leaseholders, and occupants with a copy of this notice.

The District of Invermere is considering a Development Variance Permit application to:

  • Vary Zoning Bylaw No.1145, 2002 Section 5.5 (3)(e) Dwelling Height Maximum from 7.5m to 8.5m

DVP 24.04 structural height variance is being proposed in order to accommodate the replacement of the current roof which is flat to a peaked roof style structure to address the following:

  • The existing roof has minimal insulation (An Energy Advisor’s Energy Evaluation recommended adding additional insulation)
  • The flat roof has resulted in numerous leaks over the years.
  • There are signs that the existing roof lacks proper ventilation and is the home for numerous pests – resulting in pour interior air quality due to mold and animal excrement.
  • Concern about the wildfire safety of a flat roof surrounded by a parapet

The height variance is necessary to accommodate the change in elevation as height is determined at the “four corners “ of the structure to the finished grade. The elevation drop from the front of the house facing 13th Avenue to the rear to the rear of the structure creates the need and request for the height variance. At street level, the proposed structure is 5.5 m well below the height maximum, however due to the slope of the parcel the average height is 8.5m.

Variance location for DVP 24.04 as illustrated below.

If you believe that this permit affects your interest in the property, you may fax written comments to (250) 342-2934, email to or drop them off at the District of Invermere Office, by Monday, July 15th at 12:00pm noon.

You may inspect the proposed Development Permit DVP 24.04 at the District of Invermere web site

To obtain more information, please contact Rory Hromadnik, Director of Development Services at (250) 342 9281, ext. 1235 or

DATED this 21st Day of June 2024

Rory Hromadnik,

Development Services

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