BC Bid Opportunities

The District of Invermere is committed to a transparent, fair, and competitive procurement process for suppliers interested in working with us. We aim to secure the best value for products and services. You can find bid opportunities, view awarded bids, and submit your bid responses online at BC Bid. Please review the Get Started with BC Bid Guide for more information.

Bid documents

Each bid opportunity includes specific documents detailing the requirements for submitting a valid response, as each bid document is tailored to its respective opportunity.

If you’re preparing a bid response, be sure to check BC Bid frequently for any addenda, amendments, or Q&As that may be posted in addition to the original bid documents. These updates may be posted up until the bid closing time.

How to Apply

To find opportunities check the Find an opportunity link in the BC Bid Portal, or click the button below. Then use the “Search by Opportunity ID” to locate a specific opportunity from our Opportunities List. Please review the BC Bid supplier guide before submitting your bid.

Please Note that All bids, enquiries, or questions related to a bid will only be accepted through The BC bid portal.

For help regarding the BC bid system please refer to their User Guides or contact them directly:

  • BC Bid Help Email the BC Bid Help Desk at bcbid@gov.bc.ca
  • BC Bid Help Desk Phone: 250-387-7301


Check back soon.