District of Invermere Sports Courts Usage Survey Spring 2024
The District of Invermere (the District) is reviewing the current usage of its outdoor operated sports courts located at Mountain Nelson Athletic Park (MNAP) and Rotary Park. These spaces include opportunities for a variety of sports, including for example tennis, pickleball and basketball.
There has been a growing demand for sports court space from different user groups. To help support different sports groups and respond to competing requests for court time, the tennis courts at Rotary Park are being repaired & resurfaced. Also, additional court sport lines have been added to the Mount Nelson Athletic Park courts to support different sport uses.
However, there remains a limited number of sports courts and play hours available. In an effort to continue to support all user groups and offer a range of sport court programming in Invermere, the District is reviewing existing drop-in days, and times for the existing sports courts to better match community needs.
How can you Engage?
Have your say on how you think Invermere’s sports courts should be used by completing our survey. Your answers will help us to better understand the recreational needs of our community and guide our planning processes. Survey input will be used to support building a recreational schedule that helps satisfy sports courts users’ needs, better utilizes & maximizes available court space, and improves court usage experiences for all user groups.
We need the Invermere community’s input to help prepare plans and schedules for our outdoor sports courts, facilities, as well as staff for the Spring, Summer and Fall of 2024.
This survey is open until May 8th, 2024. We look forward to receiving your feedback!
Take the survey here: https://questionnaire.simplesurvey.com/f/l/sportscourts